Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm back!

Hello again! I realize that I need mini goals for each night's performance. They may all be the same goals each night but I need something more relevant than, "Don't fuck up."

My favorite part of the whole play process is, well, the process. It's not the performance. So I need to figure out how to keep the process continuing.

So tonight the goals:
Work on....
-channeling nervous energy into character energy.
-listening to what another character is actually saying and reacting to that. Not what I know they will say. Be in the moment.
-when telling stories, really picture the events as if it were a real memory. B/c for your character it is.

Physical attributes:
Tonight I'm going to try and distinguish different movements between two of my characters. I'm just starting with two. I'll add more movement issues in later once I get these down. Nothing grand but I'm going to try and shift where I hold my weight for these two. I have to be careful not to become a caricature. But just something for me to feel like there is a distinction.

Something to think about for future shows: how I feel about one* of my co-actresses in a particular scene. I know in general, but I should be more specific.

So THESE are the things I'm going to work on tonight. This is where I'll focus my energy when I'm flipping out. Just something to give to my brain and say, "Go work on that." Distraction. But the good kind.

*I'm being a bit vague so I don't feel really really obvious when you see the show. It's like the lingerie issue ..only acting.

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