Saturday, March 14, 2009

Take That Weekend

You know what is an awesome way to spend your entire Saturday? Learning how to run a light board where some 60 faders each go to different lights in different colors and there doesn't seem to be an overall plan in their grouping and then you're suppose to combine them to create mood and then your suppose to program that little work of genius into the board and into a cue all while Roxie Hart and Velma Kelly duke it out at 16 beats a measure (and where the hell did those dancers come from and where the hell are they going oh they're gone oh next scene) and you.are.totally.fucked.

Beer anyone?


  1. I absolutely love running lights. Weird, huh? Sound is pretty fun, too.

  2. sounds awful!! Good luck with that :)

  3. I think I could learn to like the lighting thing. Right now I just don't have enough skill, but I'm getting it fast. Hopefully I can help design lights/run board in some show in the future and really play. This show would have been awesome to do that on...I just didn't have the skills yet :)

  4. I have a book called "Create Your Own Stage Lighting" by Tim Streader and John A. Williams that my dad gave me back in high school.
    ISBN 0131891766
