Monday, March 2, 2009

Maybe this is why I can't spell.

One of my goals (#14?) is to learn committee chairs and the cabinet. I'm starting on the cabinet. Here are the word games I've create to help me remember. Don't judge! Some are a wee bit rusty but they might work:

Yes I've heard (HRD- Hillary Rodham Clinton) that Clinton is Sec of State. Hillary Clinton. Sec of State.
He doesn't know where the money went either. Geithner. Timothy Geithner. Sec of Treasury
Stop them at the Gates. Robert Gates. Sec of Defense.
He's gonna hold'em accountable. Eric Holder. Attorney General
He's got A's inside all his consonants. Ken Salazer. Sec of Interior
A sack of potatoes. Tom Vilsack. Sec of Ag.
I have no idea. Hilda Solis. Sec of Labor.
S)ecretary) (of) H(ousing) A(and) (urban) D(evelopement), SHA...D. Shaun Donovan.
Ha-Choo! Wind turbines. Steven Chu. Sec of Energy.
He's going to Flunk'em. Duncan. Arne Duncan Sec of Education.
No idea. Eric Shinseki. Sec of Vetrans Affairs.
We don't want'em. Napolitano. (slant rhyme?) Janet Napolitano. Sec of Homeland Security.

Haha. OK, these sounded a wee bit silly when I said them to Zach. Now they sound REALLY silly.


  1. Haa haa! Very clever. I used to do that with science. Eric Shinskei. To me that sounds like a WWII vet. Maybe that's how you can remember =)

  2. heheh awesome. Where are my two Washington state nominees! I'm not sure if both are cabinet positions, but I know former Governor Gary Locke is going to be Secretary of Commerce, which is definately Cabinet-level. King County Executive Ron Sims will be deputy director of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

  3. Ooooh, maybe they weren't listed yet on wikipedia. I'll have to check back in and see who has been added!
