Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A new kind of goal list

So here I am, standing before my 29th year. Twenty. Nine. Holy mother of wow.

I'll get to an assessment of 28 here in a few days but first I wanted to put in some thought on this next year's goals. Twenty-eight seemed like a year of trying to get shit done. Cooking. Video projects. Music. Cards. All were activities. I kept weight off the list, and I kept most internal working off of it too. Twenty-nine may be a different tune.

Over the past few years, I have been a steady stream of self-help projects. And I feel like it's time to really focus on transitioning into being a grown up. In many ways I already am, but there are things I need to do like go to doctors and get all those tests and checkups that you're suppose to get every year and I strictly have not. I also need to get my finances in order. I'm not talking a budget here (although I need to do that too) but rather I need to open my bills when they come and have a system for them past that point. I want to be able to know exactly where all my information is come tax season. I want to have a doctor to call my own. I want to have a dentist on. These are all things one can check off a list, and this is a the list I want to start making in the next few weeks before the clock strikes go.

So twenty-nine is going to be less about accomplishing x-number of stop motions (although I have a list of them I want to do) and more about making peace with the life I am living right now in all the small mundane details life asks you to keep.

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