Sunday, August 16, 2009

Animation Nation

So this weekend I may have coated my lungs with a fine layer of spray paint. Spray paint, I might add, that melts Styrofoam. How do you decide you're not going to use a certain color on a tiny stop motion house? When the color begins to melt your walls, that's how.

So I've not accomplished nearly as much as I should. If I had had a schedule I'd be behind. But things always pop up. Like I decided to make a tree. Hot gluing individual pieces of yarn onto a wire frame apparently takes awhile. If I had been keeping track I could have told you how many NPR podcasts it takes to make a yarn tree, but alas I cannot.

So tomorrow I'm jogging at 6:45 and will hopefully be back at the studio no later than 8:30. I still have mailboxes, eyes, and houses to finish but I'm infinitely closer than I was on Thursday night when this all began. (Actually many many Thursday nights ago this began.)

Tomorrow will still probably be almost entirely a build day. If I get my first shot off on Tuesday morning I'll probably be fine. Wednesday it's back to work...and my parents even in their infinite resilience to my crap have their limit. Also, hot glue doesn't last forever. I had to repair major parts of my main character due to hot glue decay.

Oh also, I cut my finger in my paper cutter. Nothing severed. But. The joint of my left thumb is going to hurt like a mother tomorrow. Luckily I didn't have to retrieve any of my skin off of the blade. Also luckily it happened on one of the last slices for the white picket fence.

So on that note! Good night.

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