Wednesday, November 11, 2009

TV Wonderland

I'm watching a lot of Fringe right now due to some bad habits with internet TV. I've noticed in this show, and I'm sure it's true for a lot of television and movies, that on the phone people often have the following change:

Person 1: Hello.
Person 2. Peter?
Person 1: What's wrong.
Person 2: I just think that you should come back [to the lab].

You can take this conversation and translate it across many situations. I understand that it's for suspension. I get its point. It's one of those devices that we totally accept onscreen as a viewer, but would never accept in real life. Here's how it'd go if it was me on the phone.

Me: Hello.
Person 2: Kelly?
Me: What's wrong.
Person 2: I just think you should come back.
Me: What do you mean?
Person 2: I'll tell you when you get here.
Me: Um, why don't you tell me now.
Person 2: It's urgent.
Me: OK, but I still have to drive to there, and it's like 5pm, so why don't you just tell me on my why. It's seriously gonna be like 15 minutes.
Person 2: You have to see it for yourself.
Me: No really. I don't like surprises. You should probably tell me now so I don't do the "aghast look" right before we cut to commercial.

Just say'n.

Also just say'n: Why doesn't my spell check just admit defeat and accept "internet" as a lowercase word?!

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