Sunday, November 29, 2009

Goals: 9 Month Review

It's going to be hard to not just kind of give up on the remainders. Maybe a better tactic is to just pick 1 of the remaining big ones and figure out how to do that one particular thing, and hit it hard Jan 1. The play is kicking my ass time management wise. I don't have the time or energy to work on any of these until after Dec 27th. I kind of feel like I'm dragging my body across the ground toward Dec 27th.

So last ditch goals (some I've shifted)

Big Goals:
15. write, shoot, edit 1 CCP review for YouTube
I think I can do this. If this is the one I do than that wouldn't be terrible.

11. Design and do photoshoot.-
I think I could do this. It would have to be super simple and involve something like fabric flags.

13. Shoot a short.
If I do this one it will have to be suuper short. This will probably be something I ditch. (Which probably just means add to the next birthday list :) Or it should be really short and also involve flags. (<---Since writing the above I've come up with a short that may be shootable with wedding decor as part of it. Hmmm....) Medium- Little Goals:
21. Call/write my Grandmother once a month.
New Goal: write her twice more before Feb 19
San Fran stay: gather decent pics of the stay. Especially ones of Z and I, or just me.

22. Thank You cards for birthday presents.
Have photo. Just have to do something with it.

17. Learn to cook 5 vegan entrees.- One more!!!!
1. Banana empanadas (totally forgot about these - thanks June!)
2. Sopes
3. Emily Garbonzo salad
4. corn chowder.
5. Will do post Play

1. Pay $1500 in school loans-
I think I'll have been able to get done this.

24. (May 9th add) Write rough draft 1 of a feature screenplay.
This should be changed to: Outline and write a treatment for a feature screenplay or web series. (Yes yes yes, don't roll your eyes at me too much Ms.Emily. <----can I even call you that anymore? Mrs. Emily doesn't quite sound the same.Mrs B-H?) In Summary:
I think I'm tired and I need all energy I can muster to focus on this play. It is above and beyond priority #1. So basically I'll have a month and a half after it's done to accomplish what I can on my list. That said, after the play, wedding becomes priority #1. Heck, a lot of next year's goals are going to be, "Prep a wedding" and clean out all your crap. But I do think I can get some of this stuff finished.

Huzba! On to Monday!


  1. I never get to be a Mrs. No great loss, but weird at any rate :)

    And I'm confused! I like full length screenplays! I watch web series sometimes!

    IS it the dread web series at which I roll my eyes?! Could be; it's a dirty phrase around here sometimes these days, ha.

    And FWIW, prep a wedding and clean out all your crap... those are huge goals! They can consume a whole year, I think! I just saw capitalism: a love story... and I now want to get rid of almost everything I own. My minimalism and "a place for everything and everything in it's place" is in hyperdrive.

  2. Oh oops! I was referencing only the web series writing not the full length screenplay. I feel a bit self conscious even being interested in web series as a form right now. Maybe it's because I feel like I'm just saying, "Vlog! VlogvlogVlog!" Like it's something of the moment.

    I'm not really sure why I wrote the eye rolling thing specifically. Maybe b/c I imagine in that all your free time is being consumed by this one project even the mention of the genre makes you itch.
