Friday, April 30, 2010

This is it

This is it. It's the moment it happens. The moment where you step out of the stream and say, "I no longer care to keep up with what's current." I always wondered how people don't understand email or refuse to stop writing checks (just use a credit card for god's sake!). But it starts with a moment like this: I don't care who Justin Bieber is.

Oh watch irrelevancy take me over bit by fleshy bit.


  1. I can't believe you don't know who justin beiber is...wait, justin who?

  2. Exactly my friend. We have officially become old. :)

  3. Yeah, I had to research him and why he's popular after watching SNL. It (trys) to keep me young.

  4. I've heard the name but never cared enough to find out why I'd heard it.
