Sunday, June 28, 2009


Some days we float atop joy. We feel it under us pushing up gently against our skin. Our faces toward the sky. Bodies drifting.

Tonight I was adrift. It's the culmination of events. A good weekend. Knowing I was driving home toward Zach. And I'm marking this here because so often this is a space for worries and self pity. But tonight passing through the fields of this valley and watching the summer night push out the day. Watching it all from my car window, the conversations of the weekend mixing with the beautiful emotions of a just read play. Magical. How is it that there is this much Perfect around us all the time and it's only occasionally we set ourselves free out in it? Why is it the exception to close our eyes and feel it on us. Through us. Bathed softly in all things good.


  1. O



    I FIGURED IT OUT. Comments shall commence!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, yes, yes and yes.

    When I make up my mind to make a day something - curious, cranky, Perfect even - it often ends up being that. I am so glad some Perfection found you this summer evening.

    And today... it was a curious day for me... the lady who sold me a $1.09 fountain soda at the Hawthorne Fred Meyer? Her name tag read "I speak French and Polish" under her name. Does it get more curious than that?? Love.

  2. Very well written! Made me happy to read this! I hope you are doing well.

  3. It's nice to hear this part of you too. Thanks =)
