Monday, November 30, 2009

Final two weeks

Tickets went on sale tonight. More are already gone than I thought. I think that's good. I don't know what I think. Mostly I think I'm sitting really close to some people in Section 3 and that we keep our backs turned way too much to that same section. Mostly I try not to think about those things. Mostly I fail.

I don't know what it was tonight in rehearsal, maybe the fact that one of our actresses added a new accent for the first time or maybe it was because our light guy came in and played around us, but something felt different. There was a sizzle at moments that I hadn't felt yet. There was an, "aaah. There she is" here and there. I don't know what it is yet. B/c we were certainly skipping whole sections of things but yeah, just...something.

I needed that something. I'm still lost in the untethered space. Unsure if this is a good play or a mediocre one. Unsure if I am believable in the slightest. I think the show has it's moments. Some of the actresses really are outstanding and have given some outstanding performances these past weeks of rehearsal. But I still don't know if all of it wrapped together makes a very intriguing story. However, like with seating, I'm done worrying about that. My allegiance lies with 10 women. The 5 on the stage with me and the 5 I've been chosen to play. That is where my energy must focus for these remaining two weeks and then the 8 performances. There and only there.

And tonight, whatever that was we got the glimmer of, I want more of that. :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Goals: 9 Month Review

It's going to be hard to not just kind of give up on the remainders. Maybe a better tactic is to just pick 1 of the remaining big ones and figure out how to do that one particular thing, and hit it hard Jan 1. The play is kicking my ass time management wise. I don't have the time or energy to work on any of these until after Dec 27th. I kind of feel like I'm dragging my body across the ground toward Dec 27th.

So last ditch goals (some I've shifted)

Big Goals:
15. write, shoot, edit 1 CCP review for YouTube
I think I can do this. If this is the one I do than that wouldn't be terrible.

11. Design and do photoshoot.-
I think I could do this. It would have to be super simple and involve something like fabric flags.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Well Hello

Every year, and it generally only happens once a year, I have a dream about a childhood ex boyfriend. I think I dated him on and off during 6, 7 and 8th grade. He turned into a serious jerk. I'm sad to think that he takes those traits into his adult life. So I guess last night was the once a year get together. And no it wasn't THAT kind of dream. I think I talked to him in a bar. He mentioned he was getting married. I mentioned I was getting married. I couldn't figure out if he was doing all right. He wasn't sure how he'd get home in that he was drunk as hell. I suggested the bus.

And that was it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

TV Wonderland

I'm watching a lot of Fringe right now due to some bad habits with internet TV. I've noticed in this show, and I'm sure it's true for a lot of television and movies, that on the phone people often have the following change:

Person 1: Hello.
Person 2. Peter?
Person 1: What's wrong.
Person 2: I just think that you should come back [to the lab].

You can take this conversation and translate it across many situations. I understand that it's for suspension. I get its point. It's one of those devices that we totally accept onscreen as a viewer, but would never accept in real life. Here's how it'd go if it was me on the phone.

Monday, November 9, 2009

No it wasn't my flash.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

more not really important

I am toootally messing up my sleep hours. (Note time.) At least I have to be up and ready to go by 11am tomorrow. Maybe 10am so I can find the apt floor before my Mom gets here.

Also I'm now addicted to Fringe. This is what happens when Hulu doesn't update the shows I really want, I get hooked on new shows. Evil internet. Evil!

Friday, November 6, 2009

We took photographs again tonight for the poster. They kept telling me to smile larger. Smile larger! This will not end well.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our Theater Doesn't Do Rain

SOP is not a standard play. People play multiple characters. Those characters spend a lot of time speaking to the audience and not to each other. I'm beginning to see the ramifications of such a show. Some are good. Some are bad. Some are neither the prior two and just are.

1. Cast bonding: there is less of it.
Every cast has it's own feel. I think I can confidently say that now. My first show in '06, I had a director that worked to make sure his cast of 4 women bonded. We had field trips together for Christ sake. It set the bar very high. I've never had a show that was that tight, but my last show, Memory of Water, did have some bond. It may not have been totally positive, but it was there. This show doesn't have that yet, and I'm not sure it will. We are all on stage the entire time so there is no down time between scenes to connect as people. We are always playing characters. We are rarely interacting as back stage confidants or whatever. We are never actresses, we are always acting.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tonight's Lessons

I need to learn to stay quiet. I'm an over-explainer...most especially in new groups where I'm still uncomfortable and unsure of my place. One of my inner voices needs to have the sole job of bringing down the hatchet when I'm veering into, "too much information" territory. Big or small. GAH.

So today I finally looked at our rehearsal schedule and noticed that in two weeks Monday, we are suppose to be off book. Really? Really truly? B/c that's h i l a r i o u s. HILARIOUS. I have so much to learn in such a short time. Bring on the nightmares!

Monday, November 2, 2009


I clicked on this because I thought the title was ridiculous. But oh. So. Interesting. Especially to someone like me who would like a pet but also thinks screwing the environment isn't awesome.

Ecosmackdown: Pets Versus Solar Panels

It could fall slightly into the "two things not really related" category of assessment. But still. I like it.