Friday, May 11, 2012

Well, This is Embarassing

We're in Play Month so I have been dead to the world and those in it for May weekends.

As part of my job, sometimes I get House Assistants from the Intern Program at the organization. Interns are a mixed bag. Most of them are kind of amazing. So tonight, I had a great intern. His name was C. And C like some of the teens I've met is really agreeable. He spends a lot of energy trying to make sure people feel included and welcomed and more importantly agreed with. (The latter being a teenager trait I'm beginning to see.)

C is talking with one of the staff (who I don't know very well at all). I'll call the staff guy T. T makes a joke that C seems to be really getting the hang of his House Assistant duties. (This is all going on while I'm setting up some last minute concessions and sort of laughing at what they're saying. You know when you're a part of a conversation even though you're not necessarily one of the speakers.)

C says, "I guess I am."

T says, "In no time you'll be up for the head job." (Referring to, well, my job.)

C laughs a bit uncomfortably and says, "I think that would be awhile. Also it seems to be in pretty good hands." (Or something trying to be nice to me..who is just continuing to work at the stand where they are.)

To which T says laughing and saying sarcastically, "Yeah, like your big dream is to grow up and be a house manager for a living. That's your big dream."

At this point C had no idea what to say. *I* had no idea what to say. And I don't know how long it took T to realize that he basically just 100% insulted a person who is standing RIGHT THERE. He may not have. And at this point I realized that this wasn't my problem and I turned around and left their conversation.

I'm rarely in situations that are so awkward that they actually become funny. It could have felt really damaging to me and the big self worth questions. But because it was a situation I'd never actually found myself in before, it felt oddly hilarious.

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