Thursday, March 5, 2009

3 Things

1. Puff Pastry dough is AMAZING. It might be all I cook with for a month. And no a hairdryer doesn't really help it defrost. Just wait the suggested 40 minutes.

2. And since you've got 40 minutes (Puff Pastry allocation) and are itching to understand what the hell is going on with banks right now, listen to this: Bad Banks. It's an episode of This American Life done by the guys who run the Planet Money Podcast (to which I am now a new subscriber.) It held my rapt attention on an elliptical while Growing Up Hyena played on the TV so I have to say it's pretty darn interesting. It's hard to compete with Animal Planet's Growing Major points.

3. This is more of a goal: I will not bitch to Zach more than 2 times how much I hate my current work editing project. I will focus the wrath to 11:30am and 3pm when I'm predictably bitchy any project any day regardless. Also, with a Zen like power I will focus my work wrath into work progress and I'll get my soul back when I finish the sucker (in like August of 2011.)


  1. That's a very good goal, #3 is. #2, I just glazed over. And #1, you should have taken a picture. I still can't quite picture what it is you backed. My tastes glands want to know if they should salivate for sweet or savory.

  2. Yeah, not very glamorous looking but man I love you feta.

    Recipe here:
