Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Yearly Reminder

Here's what I know.

I'm 28 (starting today.) I'm 5'7" and around 160lbs. I'm in love.

I feel young but also old. It's a strange suspension between two worlds. I don't drive the mini-van nor wear the capri pants with collared shirts yet I can no longer shop inconspicuously at Forever 21.

I can tell that 50 year olds look at me as if I'm beaming with possibilities yet my skin has changed. It has lost that glow of childhood.

On days when my head is calm, I feel at peace with my life at present. I have a job that affords me a living and a life. Also, an added bonus is actually liking the work. I am close to family during a time now when I can actually appreciate them especially while they are still capable. And while I have bad habits of messiness and filling every minute of my time with either guilt or projects, I am able to pursue the art that I now realize is an integral part of my happiness.

There are small things too:
I know that I don't like whisky. I know to trust my gut feelings about people. I know I start feeling good about my body at 153.5. I know Golden Fluids are better for me than cheap craft paints. I know I can sometimes give good advice. I know I love acting. I know I don't like karaoke.

That is what I know. The list for what I don't know is long and wrought with knots.

So here is to a new year of ideas, daydreams, and hopefully some answers. To the first of many.

1 comment:

  1. When I was leaving TML last year for L&C the one salesman I've met who I really liked...the one salesman who seems to have acquired some wisdom over the years along with his commissions...asked me how old I was. I said 29 of course and he nodded and said...yeah, you've got plenty of time.
